Democratic Party election machine


How many Diebold voting machines failed in Pennsylvania?
Touch-screen voting machines used yesterday in Northumberland County,
Pennsylvania, have been impounded on a judge's order after voters
experienced problems on the machines when trying to vote a straight-party
ticket. ...

"Bill Clinton Inc."
By The Public Eye(The Public Eye)
Clinton had no use for the string of pure and noble losers that had come to
define the Democratic Party's presidential prospects for so long. He
wanted to win, and he knew how. (I should add, by way of disclosure, that
my wife, ...
Truth to Power

Stephen Colbert
By The Heat News(The Heat News)
On November 1, 2007, the South Carolina Democratic Party executive council
voted 13–3 to refuse Colbert's application onto the ballot. "The
general sense of the council was that he wasn'ta serious candidate and
that was why he wasn't ...

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